Original title: Socio-cultural factors that limit the application of social tourism in tourism enterprises in the district of Tarapoto, province of San Martín, region of San Martín, Peru.
The social tourism is a tool that is used with the purpose of giving the opportunity of recreation to people of low resources that do not have income to the tourism in the district of Tarapoto, the diversification of the social tourism in San Martin is like alternative of social, economic and cultural development that turns into an opportunity for the development of the human being in an appropriate physical space, trying to satisfy the recreational necessities of each person. The purpose of the research work is to analyze the socio-cultural factors that prevent the application of social tourism in the district of Tarapoto and thus serve as a precedent for any investment project that could be developed in the future.
In addition, it will be necessary to determine the level of knowledge of social tourism on the part of tourism entrepreneurs and the willingness to apply this type of tourism, to identify the tourism enterprises that apply this type of tourism, to analyse the consequences of the lack of interest in the application of social tourism by tourism agents and to propose a business awareness programme to promote the development of social tourism in the district of Tarapoto.
Keywords: Tourism Law, Inclusion, Ignorance, Disinterest, Business Awareness Program.
Man travels since his appearance on earth out of necessity. It is very likely that nomadic populations have appeared before sedentary ones, demonstrating that the need to move is a human characteristic. In the case of nomads, territorial mobility is an essential aspect of identity. The same can be said of sailors and merchants who travelled, and still do.
Fundamental to the history of the journey is the figure of the pilgrim. The pilgrimage, due to its character of mass phenomenon, periodic and organized, has been considered the antecedent of the modern journey. The pilgrim moves along pre-established routes and rests in suitable places, just as the modern tourist travels in groups and stays in hotels.
From there it can be indicated that the word tourism derives from the Latin tornus (lathe) and tornare (round, turn, turn), and the suffix ism refers to the action performed by a group of people, so that etymologically tourism can be defined as people who travel with the intention of returning to their usual home.
In practice for certain purposes, and with the purpose of achieving a better identification, tourism can be classified in different ways depending on the characteristics it possesses, since within this activity there are many modalities; such as: nature tourism, adventure tourism; cultural tourism; scientific tourism; rural tourism; social tourism. Given that the research will clearly be devoted to the study of the latter type of tourism.
With the enactment of Law No. 29408 (General Law of Tourism) was the beginning of tourism inclusion, which is now known as social tourism, as it promotes the economic, social, political and cultural incorporation of excluded and vulnerable social groups, and people with disabilities of any kind that limits their performance and active participation in society and tourism participation.
(SCHENKEL, 2012) in his monograph entitled "Social tourism as state policy in South America". National Council for Science and Technology (CONICET), Argentina. It concludes that access to leisure practices is part of human rights. However, there are still large social sectors that are denied access. This exclusion is particularly evident in regions with high levels of inequality, such as Latin America. (p.177).
Moreover, (RAMÍREZ, 2008) in his thesis entitled: "Quality of life in old age", a population underestimated by them and by their environment, concluded that his research made it possible to observe differences in the living conditions of the elderly, this makes the heterogeneity of old age. However, some common positions lived by the elderly in today’s society were identified, for example; although all have social coverage, there is dissatisfaction with the access of older adults to these services, generated by the difficulties they have in obtaining a certain health input such as a lens. The procedures are bureaucratic, they are not granted for lack of budget of the institutions. These shortcomings in the social security system have an impact on the personal satisfaction of the elderly. (p.130).
Likewise, (REYES E. , 2008) in his thesis called, the case of San Martín de los Andes, Province of Neuquén, in Argentine Patagonia, paradox of Accessible Tourism, "Analysis of the perceptions of the local community about disability and accessible tourism", mentions that accessible tourism means to be developed under the premise of inclusion of groups of people with disabilities who until now have not seen their expectations satisfied in terms of tourist services and products. Based on the tourist destination worked, it can be affirmed that people with disabilities are considered in the productive circuit of tourism only as consumers and that the local community has not yet generated employment opportunities or production of services related to tourism. In the second sense, even more abstract, the author considers it paradoxical that tourism is a space for managing socio-cultural changes, when it can also be considered as the maximum expression of consumption in the development of the capital system. (p.114).
In addition, (CONDO, 2006) in its thesis entitled, "Proposal for a Technical Standard of Accessibility for the Tourist Offer of Guayaquil, for People with Reduced Mobility", it concludes that the number of people with disabilities participating in tourist activities is increasing, adding to them the segment of people with restricted capacities (elderly, small children, plastered, pregnant women, people with chronic problems, etc.). In developed countries, 60% of these people actively practice tourism, both because of their physical and economic conditions that allow it. The removal of barriers that limit regular access to tourist attractions and facilities would be an effective measure to attract this group of people and their companions, thus contributing to the growth of tourism in the city and country. (p.101).
Likewise, the research carried out (ARIAS, 2005) is mentioned in his thesis titled "Social Tourism, design of a tourist product directed to the working class that allows them to enjoy family vacations", he concludes that he has determined what is the problematic situation of the investigation in the country of Ecuador, knowing that the only institution that carries out social tourism is the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security with the group of Retirees. It has been possible to see the limitations of the Study: Little knowledge and interest on the subject at all levels of the public and private sector. The conceived approach of the tourism only in the mercantilist aspect. . (p.97).
Materials and methods
The type of research was basic and descriptive. The design used was the Correlational Descriptive because it shows us two observations based on X1 and X2 in Y. In addition, simple random probability sampling was applied.
To determine the amount of population it is necessary to know the total number of tourism enterprises in the district of Tarapoto, province of San Martín, region of San Martín described below:
Table N° 01: Tourist Enterprises
Restaurants | Categorized | 6 |
Not categorized | 91 | |
Lodgings | Categorized | 24 |
Not categorized | 83 | |
Travel and tourism agencies
| No category
| 41 |
TOTAL | 245 |
Source Directorate of Foreign Trade and Tourism-December 2012
The population size (N) is 245 Tourist Enterprises, the formula for the calculation of the sample size will be the following and that way we know how many surveys to carry out for the study of this research. Resulting in
Formula: Z2 p q N n= — ——————– E2 (N-1)+Z2 p q Where n is the number of surveys |
Therefore, using the formula, the sample resulted in 150 surveys.
The procedure of this investigation consisted of a previous study on the socio-cultural factors that limit the application of social tourism in the tourist enterprises of the district of Tarapoto, a study that requires bibliographic material. In addition, surveys of tourism entrepreneurs (restaurants, hotels and travel agencies) in the Tarapoto district were used, as well as research interviews with tourism authorities, observation and data collection sheets.
Detailed results and analysis for each study variable are shown below:
Box N°01: Understanding the meaning of social tourism
Do you know the meaning of social tourism? | ||
(a) If | 48 | 32.00% |
(b) No | 102 | 68.00% |
TOTAL | 150 | 100.00% |
Source Surveys of Tourist Businessmen, May 2013. CELIZ, J.
Box N°02: Knowledge of social tourism, to whom it is addressed
Did you know that social tourism is carried out to facilitate access to tourism for people with low economic resources (people with limited physical capacities, senior citizens, university students, etc.)? | ||
(a) If | 44 | 29.33% |
(b) No | 106 | 70.67% |
TOTAL | 150 | 100.00% |
Source Surveys of Tourist Businessmen, May 2013. CELIZ, J.
Table N°03: Level of knowledge of the current meaning of social tourism.
What is the level of knowledge of the current meaning of social tourism? | ||
a) Very High. | 2 | 4.55% |
b) High | 6 | 13.64% |
(c) Medium | 7 | 15.91% |
d) Low | 13 | 29.55% |
e) Very Low | 16 | 36.36% |
TOTAL | 44 | 100.00% |
Source Surveys of Tourist Businessmen, May 2013. CELIZ, J.
Integrating results:
According to the investigation and the results of the surveys it can be deduced that the greater percentage of the tourist businessmen do not apply the social tourism which represents 77.33%, these results indicate that the majority of tourist businessmen do not apply the social tourism in their company, due to the ignorance of what the social tourism means, such results show that the tourist businessmen confuse the social tourism with the environment where the rural tourism is developed, the same ones that believe that in their company the social tourism is being applied.
Table N°05: Application of Social Tourism
Do you apply social tourism in your tourism business? | ||
(a) If | 34 | 22.67% |
(b) No | 116 | 77.33% |
TOTAL | 150 | 100.00% |
Source Surveys of Tourist Businessmen, May 2013. CELIZ, J.
Table N°05: Socio-Cultural Factors.
What is the socio-cultural factor by which you do not apply social tourism in your tourist enterprise? | |||
a) Ignorance | 82 | 54.67% | |
b) I am not motivated | 8 | 5.33% | |
c). Not promoted | 41 | 27.33% | |
d). Disinterest | 12 | 8% | |
e). No corporate culture | 7 | 4.67% | |
TOTAL | 150 | 100.00% |
Source Surveys of Tourist Businessmen, May 2013. CELIZ, J.
Integrating results:
This table shows that of the 116 businessmen representing 77.33% responded that they do NOT apply social tourism, since they do not know and it was the first time they heard about the subject and others who try to evade any responsibility, believing that it is only the responsibility of municipalities, compared to 34 businessmen representing 22.67%, the same people who answered that they do apply social tourism in their company, because they believe that it is a way to maintain the occupancy of their company that in this way will become more and better known, improve the social image, maintain the integration of staff, improve the quality of life of people who travel, allowing them to know their own culture and providing facilities for tourism.
Table N°06: Budget for trainings
Do you allocate budget for social tourism trainings to your staff? | |||
(a) If | 16 | 10.67% | |
(b) No | 134 | 89.33% | |
TOTAL | 150 | 100.00% |
Source Surveys of Tourist Businessmen, May 2013. CELIZ, J.
Table N°07: Social tourism plans, projects or activities
How many plans, projects or activities have you carried out in your company about social tourism? | ||
a) 0 | 133 | 88.67% |
b) From 1 – 4 | 11 | 7.33% |
c) From 5 to more | 6 | 4.00% |
TOTAL | 150 | 100 |
Source Surveys of Tourist Businessmen, May 2013. CELIZ, J.
Table N°08: Application of social tourism
Do you agree with the application of social tourism in tourism enterprises in Tarapoto? | ||
a)Totally agree | 73 | 48.67% |
(b) In agreement | 52 | 34.67% |
(c) Doesn’t matter | 21 | 14.00% |
(d) Disagree | 4 | 2.67% |
e) Strongly disagree | 0 | 0.00% |
TOTAL | 150 | 100 |
Source Surveys of Tourist Businessmen, May 2013. CELIZ, J.
Table N°09: Ways of applying social tourism
How would you apply social tourism in tourism enterprises? | ||
a) Group discounts | 79 | 52.67% |
(b) Sponsorship | 26 | 17.33% |
(c) Off-season discounts | 30 | 20.00% |
(d) Other | 15 | 10% |
TOTAL | 150 | 100 |
Source Surveys of Tourist Businessmen, May 2013. CELIZ, J.
Integrating results:
On the other hand, businessmen show a desire to learn more about this subject, so most agree with the application of social tourism in their company, obtaining a percentage of 48.67% in total agreement, compared to 2.67% in disagreement, a percentage that also worries since these people allude responsibility and task to the municipalities of each district, thus avoiding the responsibilities of the company with society.
It is recognized that it is difficult to make reductions in costs, since all this does not necessarily generate profits for a company, but we must also think about the social benefit that can generate for the population, which would be a better option than to present very high unemployment rates, that is why in the survey applied possible options are proposed in ways or forms of how to apply social tourism in companies showing results of 52.67% for discounts to groups, which is the highest percentage and preferred by entrepreneurs, the same that would allow them to develop their activities responsibly, so that agreement can be reached on prices with responsibility, in such a way that an agreement can be reached on prices.
Analysis and interpretation of interviews with tourism authorities
- What do you mean by social tourism?
Like the people who are in the tourist spaces where the resources are benefit. A way of carrying out activities and publicizing a particular place with the participation of the community. Involves all public and private institutions, promoting local tourism. Activity carried out by people in a given place.
- Did you know that Social Tourism is designed to facilitate access to tourism for people with low economic resources (disabled, elderly, university students, etc.)?
I didn’t know it academically. I’ve listened. More or less in this case economically but not trying to exclude. Yes, but broadly speaking.
- What is the importance of the application of social tourism in tourism enterprises in the district of Tarapoto?
There is no conscious corporate practice on social responsibility. People can have support. The importance is always given but for tourism companies will always want to sell the most. There are some companies that are not aware of their actions.
- Are you interested in social tourism to allocate budget for its promotion? Why?
It could be, it would be better as a guild or with all the authorities, as a businessman if you could.
- How could you encourage the participation of tourism entrepreneurs in social tourism issues?
Work with unions, rewarding them and grouping them, with strategic alliances.
Analyzing the results of the interviews carried out with the main public agents related to social tourism; they show us that starting with the conceptual framework of social tourism, with it hand in hand an unclear appreciation of the advantages that could be given by taking advantage of social tourism and the great advances for the society in which we are immersed. If you start in this way, how can you expect tourism managers to help improve the situation when they know very little about this type of tourism?
To the extent that the entities responsible for the dissemination of tourism activity do not carry out any activity in favor of encouraging social tourism in the district of Tarapoto, tourism entrepreneurs will continue to ignore this group of people.
Tourism Awareness Programme
Against the ignorance of social tourism and its contribution to the development of the district of Tarapoto. |
- Title of the programme:
- Against the ignorance of social tourism and its contribution to the development of the district of Tarapoto.
- Location:
- District :
- Province: San Martín.
- Department: San Martín.
- Author:
- Leydi Jhiordina Céliz Cortéz
- Duration of Programs:
- Months : 6 months
- Weeks : 23 weeks
- Days : 180 days
- Total Cost or Requested Contribution:
- s/. 25,059.00
- Institutional Dependence:
- Responsible Unit:
- Resp. unit Source: National University of San Martín
- Phone : #999429006
- Address : Jr. Mateo Pumacahua N°315
- Representative: Leydi Jhiordina Céliz Cortéz
Executing Unit
- Executive Unit: Regional Government of San Martín
- Sector : Regional Directorate of Foreign Trade and Tourism
- Telephone : 042-522567
- Address : Ángel Delgado Morey Nro. 435
Description of reality and activities
From the thesis project called "Socio-cultural factors that limit the application of social tourism in the Tarapoto district", it is concluded that these factors are the lack of knowledge of the current meaning of social tourism and the disinterest of public entities, whose factors have considerably affected the benefit of the people for whom this type of tourism is aimed, considering that they are ready to acquire knowledge on the subject and the willingness to apply in their company; while to help overcome these identified factors, the research team proposes a tourism awareness program aimed at tourism entrepreneurs, this program will be conducted with the purpose of helping to improve the knowledge of the tourism entrepreneur, tourism competent bodies, on social tourism through the conduct of trainings on the subject in question.
In terms of activities, the idea is to hold a dialogue table between public and private institutions, an activity that will allow institutions to join forces in pursuit of tourism development and the district of Tarapoto.
Another activity is the training program aimed at the population, which will develop topics that will provide knowledge of social tourism and its benefits, with the active participation of attendees and providing them with the necessary material.
Justification of the programme
At present the tourism sector has become one of the most important activities of the economies, and one of the most promising in the coming years, generally the most benefited are people with better economic resources, which is why we see the need to also care for people of low income for which there are social tourism policies implemented by governments; but has not been adequately implemented in different regions of the country, moreover such people have no knowledge of such activity, similar to it happens with the tourism entrepreneurs of the district of Tarapoto, so that they have low knowledge on the subject, is why the great interest on the part of the thesis students to propose, develop, increase and promote social tourism programs, so that all are informed and thus able to make decisions, either by the authorities, tourism entrepreneurs and population in general.
Beneficiary population
Direct Beneficiaries
The direct beneficiaries of the Program are the inhabitants of the district of Tarapoto in the province of San Martín, San Martín region.
Indirect Beneficiaries
The indirect beneficiaries are the visitors or tourists, the tourism service companies of the district of Tarapoto and the final beneficiaries is the population where social tourism is applied.
The number of tourism entrepreneurs benefiting from the study area is shown in Table 01 below:
The methodology to be followed in the implementation of this programme depends on the programmed activities.
Table of Dialogue between public and private institutions
This stage will be executed in the first of initiated the program, it is directed to the municipal authorities, tourist businessmen.
There will be a motivational campaign to participate in the dialogue table. This will seek communication and integration between public and private institutions that work together for the greater knowledge and benefits of applying social tourism. The active participation of representatives of the public and private sectors will be sought during the development of the dialogue table, in addition to proposing alternatives for the problem identified.
In addition to this, there will be a talk on the "Importance of applying social tourism", which aims to achieve maximum participation of the sectors already mentioned and above all acquire knowledge to apply them later.
Training programme aimed at the population.
The execution of this activity will take place in the second month of the program start will last 3 hours, with an intermediate break of 15 minutes.
It will develop the theme, "Positive Impacts that Causes the application of social tourism in the district of Tarapoto", which aims to awaken interest and culture in tourism entrepreneurs. Printed materials will be distributed with the summary of the topic covered in the training. During the development of the activity, participants will be asked to participate in identifying the benefits and importance of this topic. At the end of this activity, an evaluation will be carried out through the application of a post talk test.
- This research has corroborated the existing problem of the limited application of social tourism in tourism enterprises in the district of Tarapoto, given that there are few enterprises that promote this type of tourism, mainly due to two factors: the lack of knowledge of the current meaning of social tourism on the part of entrepreneurs and the disinterest of public tourism agents.
- Tourism entrepreneurs demonstrate a low level of knowledge of the current meaning of social tourism, due to the fact that they do not handle information on the subject. This is due to the fact that they have not received training or informative material from their business associations or public organizations.
- The lack of interest on the part of public tourism organizations is another of the fundamental factors that limit the application of social tourism, manifested in the lack of plans, development projects or actions aimed at promoting this type of tourism, and the lack of a regional policy for the development of social tourism, which guides the planning of the sector in the region.
- Tourism entrepreneurs show a favorable willingness to implement social tourism in the district of Tarapoto in the future, the results show that 49% are willing because they find in this typology a niche market, through which they can improve the situation of their business and the quality of life of the population.
- It has been determined that out of 150 tourism companies (restaurants, travel agencies and hotels) in the district of Tarapoto, there are 34 tourism companies that apply social tourism through discounts or sponsorships being these a base to develop strategies of social inclusion together with the strategic alliances of public and private institutions.
- The consequences of the disinterest of not applying the social tourism on the part of the public tourist agents are: the social exclusion, since it entails to limit the opportunities of enjoyment of the tourism to the strata of less economic resources, likewise the loss of opportunities of economic development for the tourist companies of the District since it is a very numerous segment that could generate profitability if this one is taken care of.
- In view of the lack of knowledge of the current meaning of social tourism, it is recommended that public and private tourism agents work in coordination with the aim of allocating budgets to be used for the dissemination of this type of tourism. In addition, the lack of interest on the part of public tourism agents requires the expansion of tourism policies, in such a way that the need to implement them is felt.
- Improving the level of knowledge of social tourism by tourism entrepreneurs requires the development of informative workshops on issues of awareness and importance of social tourism, benefit from it and appropriate use to contribute to sustainable development.
- Promote the participation of tourism entrepreneurs interested in applying social tourism in the district of Tarapoto in terms of investment to develop offers that allow access to the population.
- Promote the development of an updated directory of tourism businesses (restaurants, travel agencies and hotels) that apply with the aim that these are the basis for developing strategies such as informative workshops and their importance for a tourism business.
- Comply with the objectives of the management tools and the general provisions of the Tourism Law N°29408, regarding social inclusion.
- It is recommended to deepen the study, as it is considered a tool that serves as a background for future specialized research that contributes to the professional development of the district and thus promote the implementation of agreements of public and private institutions for their participation in the development and implementation of social tourism programs.
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The author has a degree in Tourism Administration. jhiordina@hotmail.com. Teacher of the CEVATUR Institute Sub General Manager of the Tour Operator Agency "Destinations Peru". Receptionist at the National University of San Martin-Tarapoto.
Datos para citar este artículo:
Leydi Jhiordina Celiz Cortez. (2019). Limitations of social tourism in Tarapoto, Peru. Revista Vinculando, 17(1). https://vinculando.org/en/limitations-of-social-tourism-in-tarapoto-peru.html
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