Switzerland, 25 June 2007 – The nr. 1 Swiss retailer Migros announced its cooperation with the world wide certification scheme UTZ CERTIFIED. The largest coffee supplier in Switzerland has a total production of over 11,000 MT annually and will be the first company in Switzerland to offer products with the UTZ CERTIFIED logo from September 2007 onwards.
Karin Heierli, Category Manager Migros for Coffee "The UTZ certification enables us to assure our customers that a range of coffee products was grown by professionals who not only take care of their coffee to ensure quality, but also take care of the people and environment involved." The EurepGAP benchmarked UTZ CERTIFIED works with independent auditing by ISO 65 accredited certifiers and offers a unique traceability system. "UTZ assures a high level of assurance, so our customers can keep on enjoying their Migros coffee, and trust that we take care of the process."
UTZ CERTIFIED sets the world standard for professional coffee growing and sourcing with care for local communities and the environment. UTZ CERTIFIED cooperatives, estate farms and producer groups comply with the UTZ Code of Conduct and are annually inspected by independent third party auditors.
UTZ CERTIFIED a credible instrument for coffee farmers, cooperatives and producer groups to show their buyers that their coffee is produced in a professional way, with socially and environmentally appropriate growing practices and efficient farm management. In addition, it provides roasters and brands a tool to incorporate and credibly demonstrate responsible sourcing practices for their entire coffee range.
UTZ CERTIFIED growers are located throughout Latin America, Asia and Africa. Roasters, retailers and brands who buy UTZ CERTIFIED coffee include Ahold, ASDA, Coca Cola Japan, Coop Norway, Delhaize, ICA Norway and Sweden, ICS Autobar, IKEA, Joh. Johannson, Friele, Kesko, McDonald’s, Nordquist, Paulig, Sara Lee, UCC and many more.
For more information, please visit www.utzcertified.org
About Migros
Migros is the market leader in Switzerland with an annual coffee volume of 11,350 MT. Their green coffee is purchased and roasted by the Migros branch Delica AG in Switzerland (www.delica.ch). The cooperation with UTZ CERTIFIED will be in addition to the Max Havelaar and Organic certified coffee products.
- Anita Aerni, Account Manager Europe, +41 31 921 58 67, [email protected]
Contact Migros
- Monika Weibel, Corporate Communications, +44 277 20 63, [email protected]
Datos para citar este artículo:
Eventos Vinculando. (2007). Swiss market leader Migros joins UTZ CERTIFIED. Revista Vinculando, 5(1). https://vinculando.org/noticias/swiss_market_leader_migros_joins_utz_certified.html
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